Costume Info
In order to ensure the costumes are delivered in time for photographs and the performance, costume orders are placed in November and again in February for new students. Costume manufacturers do NOT accept cancellations or offer refunds, therefore we are unable to refund any costume costs. Costumes will only be distributed to families whose accounts are paid in full.
Please Note: Due to production and shipping times, some costume ship dates will occur after Picture Day and some costumes ordered in February for new students may be slightly varied in style or color from the rest of the class to ensure they arrive in time.
Alterations are sometimes needed after costumes have been distributed and are the sole responsibility of the students' parents/guardians. If you need assistance, please let us know.
Costume Care
Each student's name should be placed in his/her costumes, shoes, tights, and all accessories. This is the only way we can return any lost items to you.
Please store all costumes in a safe place and do not allow students to wear or play in costumes before the Showcase.
Prior to Picture Day and Dress Rehearsals/Performances, we recommend hanging costumes in the bathroom and allowing the steam to release the wrinkles. Hang tutus upside down a few weeks before the Showcase to allow them to reach their full "fluff." Please do not wash your costumes in your washing machine - dry clean only and only after the Showcase.
Tips: Storage, Care & Wear
Your Costume Fee includes ONE PAIR of tights per dancer. You will pick-up these tights in late spring. It's always a good idea to pack a second pair of tights (We always have additional tights for sale at our front desk).
Please note: Male dancers will NOT receive tights. They will need to provide their own plain black pants to wear with their costumes.
Dancers with costume changes will want to have a skin-tone/nude Camisole style leotard to wear under their garments to make backstage changes easier and more comfortable.
If you are wearing tights, these take place of wearing any underwear underneath your costumes. Make sure all of your hair ties are off your wrist and don't wear jewelry (aside from stud-style earrings).
Place costumes in a garment bag for travel and carry hats and headpieces in a hatbox or container to prevent damage.
Steam and hang costumes before each performance
Place your name in ALL costumes, shoes, accessories, and belongings.
Organize costumes, tights, shoes, and hair pieces for each show to help make changes quick and easy.

Shoe requirements are the same as for the regular season classes unless we inform you otherwise. In general you will need the following shoe colors/styles for the show:
Ballet - Pink/Nude Ballet Slippers
Tap - Black Tap Shoes
Jazz - Black Jazz Shoes
Hip-Hop - Plain Black Sneakers
Musical Theater - Black Jazz Shoes (1st-5th) or Black Character Shoes (MS and HS)
Acro - Bare Feet
Modern/Contemporary - Bare Feet
PreSchool Ballet, Tumble - Bare Feet
PS and Kinder Ballet + Tap - Pink/Nude Ballet Slippers
PS and Kinder Hip-Hop and Tumble - Bare Feet
Don't forget to put your name in ALL of your dance shoes. Remember: Dance Shoes all look the same so it's nearly impossible for us to get them back to the correct dancer if they are not labeled.
If you are dancing in your bare feet and wearing tights, be sure to roll your tights NEATLY at your ankles. Convertible Tights have a hole in the bottom of the foot to be worn with the foot covered or open. Neatly roll the footed part of the tights to create a clean line and make sure the excess tight material is not loose, floppy, or hanging out.